Friday Post: PiMAME Image and other neat things

Hey All,

Hope you all like this:


Download Here

This is a fully configured Raspberry Pi image that auto boots into AdvanceMENU and runs your MAME games for you.  It includes a copy of a Free MAME ROM so you can see it working right from the start.  SSH is already enabled, memory split is setup, and everything is updated.

Once you have it flashed to your SD Card, I recommend running “sudo raspi-config” and expanding the file system, otherwise you will only have a few megs of space left to use.

Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions!

Raspberry Pi Radio

With one wire and a simple program, you can turn your Raspberry Pi into an FM Transmitter that plays on FM 100.0MHz.


11 thoughts on “Friday Post: PiMAME Image and other neat things

  1. just thought i should mention that the instructions for fm transmitter for pi dont mention u need to make the compiled c program executable to work. if your getting the erno 13 permission denied error do sudo chmod +x filename

  2. Hi Shea, Thank you so much for all your work on this, fantastic job! Could you tell me what I need to change to stop advmenu running automatically when I start my Pi until I can sort out what I am doing wrong for the audio to sound bad in the advmenu, but fine in the games please? Cheers!

  3. Great job. I tried your image, after 30 mins i was ordering arcade controls to built my own arcade cabinet :P.

    A good addition to next release would be to include an ftp implementation with root directory /home/pi/roms/ .
    I already tried it and its very handy.

  4. Is there anything you can do to hide the bios booting?….as well as the command line between loading and exiting games? (This latter seems variable by some magical principle or something: ADVMenu with some monitors I’ve tried will provide a clean switch, others not.)

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