Friday Post: TechTime and things…

Hey All,

Just got back from a neat tech talk that was put on buy a bunch of alumni/coworkers.  Some very cool things were shown, like Google Glass and Wearscript.

Kickstarter & PiPlay

11 days to go, and I’m at 298% funded.  This is crazy!  PiPlay 0.8 Beta 3 was release to positive results, and Beta 4 is being worked on as I type this.  A lot of enhancements, fixes, and some new emulators are being added to the distro.

I’ve ordered a few encoders which should be arriving by next week, and I can start implementing those into the software.

I was sent this link ( a few days ago, which chronicles the building of a Raspberry Pi arcade cabinet.  It’s really well written and highly detailed.

I’ve also started a mini cabinet build.  I purchased this kit and I’m looking forward to building it ( with all the extra time I have… /sarcasm )

Exciting times 🙂


2 thoughts on “Friday Post: TechTime and things…

  1. Pingback: Friday Post: TechTime and things… | Raspberry World

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