Hey All,
Sorry for the very late post this week. Trying to figure out why I’m having such connectivity issues to my web host. Replaced the router. Still happens. Modem is fine. It’s not my host. But my ISP can’t see it as being down since it comes up 5 minutes later. I can VPN into work and access my host from there. So weird.
Tomorrow marks my 2nd Wedding Anniversary. It feels like it’s been a day and a half 🙂 K, I love you. Thank you for putting up with me.
0.8 Beta 9 is coming along. It should be released in a day or so. This is the best version yet, and I’m so sorry for the Beta 8 release. Trying to get everything working on both the Pi and Pi2 has been a challenge. But I think this version will be great. We have upgraded to the latest Raspbian image, moved more emulators into GitHub / Git and now can update most of PiPlay with a Git Update. Mark has created an awesome file watching script which automatically updates the frontend when a new file has been uploaded. No more running the scraper, it all happens in the background.
Mario Party 10
Mario Party 10 came out this week. I had a chance to play it with a group, and, well, it feels like Mario Party Lite. The game is gorgeous, the levels are beautiful, but there are only three game modes. Amiibo Party, Bowser Party, and “Mario Party” which isn’t like previous games. Everyone works together to get to the end in a vehicle, basically pooling dice rolls. The classic game has been shortened and moved to Amiibo Party. It feels like a lot of content is missing. The load times are also really long. I really wanted to love this game, but I feel like its a demo. I’m hoping patches and some free DLC fix that.
I backed the SmartiPi kickstarter a short while ago, and received my case the other day. I think this is one of the best designed cases out there. It easily wraps around the whole Pi, and has LEGO compatible pegs on the case.

Have a great week(end)!