raspberryPI and MAME

UPDATE: Edited to fix some issues.

SECOND UPDATE: New Post with new binaries!


So for the past few days I’ve been struggling to get MAME running on the raspberryPi.  It was compiling, it would install, but I would always get a video_fault error.  It ended up being that I had to modify the .rc config to have the correct display settings.  I’m using a TV with the RCA plug so YMMV.

Edit: I’m also logged in as root.  I know this is bad but I haven’t been able to get it working without being root.  There is no password set for root, so you have to make one before you login as root or “su” to root.

sudo passwd root

http://advancemame.sourceforge.net/doc-install.html#4.5  – This link will help you find the correct display settings.

http://sheasilverman.com/rpi/advancemame-0.106.1.zip – This is the compiled AdvanceMame for raspberryPi.  Extract it to a folder, then type:

make install

You can then run mame by typing advmame at the command prompt.  The first time it runs it makes a config file, then quits.  You should find the folders and configs in ~/.advance/ /root/.advance/. ROMs go in ~/.advance/roms /root/.advance/roms/ .   The config file ends in “.rc”  Edit that file to include your display information.

For HDMI try:

device_video_clock 5 – 50 / 15.62 / 50 ; 5 – 50 / 15.73 / 60

For NTSC TVs try:

device_video_clock 5 - 50 / 15.73 / 60

I don’t know how long I can keep the compiled source on my host as I have limited bandwidth, but for now, it will be here.  I’ll try and find a mirror as well.


9 thoughts on “raspberryPI and MAME

  1. Pingback: raspberryPI and MAME « hugetechnerd

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