Hey All,
AdvanceMAME 3.4 has been released with a lot of enhancements for the Raspberry Pi.
I got a message that it wasn’t working, so I recompiled a version JUST for the Raspberry Pi Zero. This is meant to run on the latest version of Jessie with Pixel.
To Install and play, run these commands from the command line
sudo dpkg -i advancemame_3.4-1_armhf.deb advmame
This will install and create your AdvanceMAME folders. Now place your ROMs in:
Then run:
advmame romname example: advmame sf2
AdvMAME should now start playing your game file.
Have fun!
Hi. I installed your build on my Pi Zero W. Uploaded a classic ROM (astroi1). The performance is terrible (not running under X). What version of advmame should I run, and what performance tips do you have for using a Pi Zero ?
I got further ahead. The PiZeroW comes with Jessie installed. I updated a piplay image that uses Wheezy, and sure enough the emulators seem to perform. However, in installing Wheezy, the onboard wifi of the PiZeroW doesn’t work.