Hey All,
Happy Friday and happy 4th of July weekend!
On Monday I recieved a 3D Printer from the company M3D. It is the blue Micro 3D printer. If you use the coupon code “refurb” you can get one for $300 dollars (plus about $12 shipping).
So far I’ve printed out a bunch of things, ranging from Bulbasaurs, and Ford Fiesta ST scale models, to characters from Dota and keychains. So far it has been an awesome little printer. Now, it’s slow, a little loud, and only has a print size of 6x6x6, but that hasn’t been an issue yet.
I’m using a Raspberry Pi with the camera module to livestream my printer.
Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream
Livestreaming from USTREAM on the Raspberry Pi
Here is a quick guide to livestreaming on the Raspberry Pi with USTREAM and an RPI Camera Module
References from: https://ustream.zendesk.com/entries/63723444-Raspberry-Pi-Streaming-video-to-Ustream and http://www.oz9aec.net/index.php/dvb/490-turn-your-raspberry-pi-into-a-live-hdtv-transmitter
- Install Raspbian to your Raspberry Pi SD Card
- Install the Raspberry Pi Camera Module
- Using Raspi-Config activate the camera module
- sudo raspi-config
- Enable Camera
- You are going to need a version of ffmpeg installed. The version from apt-get will not work.
- You can download a working binary here: http://files.oz9aec.net/datv/490-rpi-hdtv/ffmpeg
- wget http://files.oz9aec.net/datv/490-rpi-hdtv/ffmpeg
- chmod +x ffmpeg
- Or you can download and compile the ffmpeg sources via git
- git clone git://source.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.git ffmpeg
- cd ffmpeg
- ./configure
- make
- sudo make install
- You can download a working binary here: http://files.oz9aec.net/datv/490-rpi-hdtv/ffmpeg
- Set up a ustream script:
- nano ustream
#!/bin/bash RTMP_URL=<rtmpurl> STREAM_KEY=<streamkey> while : do raspivid -n -vf -hf -t 0 -w 960 -h 540 -fps 25 -b 500000 -o - | ./ffmpeg -i - -vcodec copy -an -metadata title="Streaming from raspberry pi camera" -f flv $RTMP_URL/$STREAM_KEY sleep 2 done
- Change RTMP_URL and STREAM_KEY to match the keys you get from your USTREAM Channel settings page.
- If you compiled and installed your own version of ffmpeg, remove the ./ffmpeg and replace it with just ffmpeg in the code above.
- chmod +x ustream
- ./ustream
- With any luck, you will now be streaming to your USTREAM channel.
Thanks for the heads up. I ordered one, had to get it in orange to go with your blue for a Gator theme. Would love any comments you have along the way that can help. Gameboy case for piplay is one of the first big prints I purchased it for.