Update: PiPlay 0.8 Beta 3 is uploaded!
Lo all,
It’s been two weeks and my Kickstarter is at 242% funded!! This is incredible. I’m so excited and humbled at the community support. Thank you!
PiPlay 0.8 Beta 3
I am uploading the latest SD Card image of PiPlay. 0.8 Beta 3 includes:
- Recompiled kernel with Xin-Mo encoder support.
- Better GBA support.
- Better Neo Geo support.
- Fixed issues with Genesis and Final Burn Alpha emulators not running.
- Genesis emulator can now use Zip files.
- Updated PiPlay to have a better updater system.
- 2 player keyboard support in SNES emulator.
What I’m currently working on:
- Snapshot/screenshot support in ROM list.
- Documentation.
- Looking for MSX, Atari, and TG16 emulators to add.
Look for this SD Card image to be available tonight or tomorrow. My laptop is locking up / freezing randomly and I’m trying to generate a more recent backup, so I have to hurry up and wait while that happens.
I will update this post when it’s uploaded!
Pingback: Friday Post: PiPlay 0.8 Beta 3 | Raspberry World
Any idea if this setup would work with pimame? http://www.ebay.com/itm/2x-Zero-Delay-PC-Encoder-20xPush-Buttons-2x-Joysticks-For-Arcade-MAME-set-in-us-/171299892672
Thanks for producing this! I recently chipped in to the kickstarter, and I’m excited to see what comes out of that! I have a GP-Wiz40, and I think the recompiled kernel might help with that, but if there was one thing I’d like my contribution to go towards, it would be support for that out of the box. I think if I tweak the joystick settings a bit it will start working properly in advmame.
With the posted beta, advmame is giving me problems. No matter what game I pick, it ends up telling me files are not found (they vary per game). Perhaps an environment setting was missed or something. Cheers!
Is it possible to update pimame our will it require a new install? I’m about to run it for the first time and configure the emulators, don’t want to waste time if I can’t update to PiPlay in the near future