Apr 29

Shea Silverman for Florida House of Representatives District 49

Hey All!

I have some exciting news.  I’ve been wanting to announce this for a while now, but tonight is the night.  I am running for Florida’s House of Representatives District 49 as a No Party Affiliation candidate.

The Bernie Sanders campaign has resonated very closely with me.  I believe that honest, transparent individuals can make a difference.  I believe that everyone deserves healthcare, an education, and that with technology, we can provide those resources.

This is a map of district 49, courtesy of statisticalatlas.com:


Please follow me on Twitter and Facebook, checkout my platform and campaign site at sheasilverman.com and I would be super humbled and thankful if you were able to donate to my campaign.

Thanks all, have a great weekend!


Apr 12

AdvanceMAME 1.4 and AdvanceMESS 1.4 for Raspberry Pi3

Hey All,

I compiled AdvanceMAME 1.4 and AdvanceMESS 1.4 for the Raspberry Pi3.

On the Pi3, games like Street Fighter II and The Simpsons run like butter with full audio.  It’s great!

You can download them here:



To install run:

sudo dpkg --force-all -i advancemame_1.4-1_armhf_pi3.deb
sudo dpkg --force-all -i advancemess_1.4-1_armhf_pi3.deb

On another note, our first “PiPlay Advance” boards came in:

2016-04-05 (3) 2016-04-05 (2) 2016-04-05 (1) 2016-04-05

There was of course an issue with our pin routing, so we had to order a new revision of the boards.  So excited to see this project start coming together!
