Hey all,
New Debs!
I have the latest AdvanceMENU, AdvanceMESS, and AdvanceMAME versions compiled and turned into .debs for your installing pleasure.
- Files:
- AdvanceMAME 1.2
- AdvanceMENU 2.6
- AdvanceMESS 0.102
- To install, run these commands:
sudo dpkg --force-overwrite -i advancemame_1.2-1_armhf.deb
sudo dpkg --force-overwrite -i advancemenu_2.6-1_armhf.deb
sudo dpkg --force-overwrite -i advancemess_0.102.0.1-1_armhf.deb
The reason dpkg requires force install is because the Advance* projects compile a lot of the same helper binaries, like advj and advc. When dpkg tries to install the next package, it sees it has already installed something with the same name, and freaks out.
Doing a force install tells it to overwrite and continue, making everything work. I don’t recommend using force install for everyday installs, but I know it works for these.
X Gaming X-Arcade Stick

I was very surprised when I was contacted by X Gaming this week. They are sending me one of their really cool looking X Arcade tank sticks to test out with the Raspberry Pi and various emulators. A couple people have posted on the Raspberry Pi forums and on my blog asking if this stick works, so hopefully I will have an answer for everyone very soon.
I’m looking forward to everyone’s feedback on the new .deb files. Let me know if something is messed up, doesn’t install for you, or is just wonky. Also let me know if it does work, because that’s good to hear as well 🙂
Have a great weekend!