Friday Post: Adafruit and Black Mesa

Hey all,

It’s been a fun week.  I have been playing a LOT of Black Mesa on Steam.  If you have never played Half Life then I recommend you pick up this great fan remake of the original game.  If you HAVE played Half Life then you need to play this game and see how great it is.  It’s free.  It’s awesome.  It’s a lot of fun.

Today Adafruit linked to me again.  This time about my Battery Powered Pi and how I was using their 2″ screen.  That made my day 🙂  The screen is working out great!

On the news about the overclocking…Holy Crap does it make a difference!  Street Fighter 2 is now 100% playable, and i’ve been able to load D&D (a CPS2 game) and it play amazingly.  I’ll be getting some video of that up soon.  If you are using Raspbian, update and upgrade to the latest version.  It’s worth it.

Have a great weekend!

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