Aug 08


Hey all,

As you saw in my previous post / video, I was running Youtube videos in fullscreen on my little display.  I was using an application (really just a 2000+ line perl script) that does this for me.  The program is called youtube-viewer (github)

Gcala posted a nice guide on how to set it up and has given me permission to also repost it here.  I’m making some modifications as I had to do a couple changes, but it works.

  1. sudo apt-get install gcc-4.7
  2. export CC=gcc-4.7
  3. export CXX=g++-4.7
  4. sudo apt-get install libwww-perl
  5. sudo cpan -i XML::Fast
  6. sudo wget -O /usr/bin/youtube-viewer
  7. sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/youtube-viewer

Now just type youtube-viewer on the command line and you are good to go 🙂

List of Commands
all               : play all the results in order
next              : go to the next page (same as <ENTER>)
back              : return to the previous page
login             : will prompt you for login
logout            : will delete the authentication key
[integer]         : play the corresponding video
i, info [i]       : show more informations about one video
c, comments [i]   : show video comments (e.g.: c 19)
r, related [i]    : show related videos (e.g.: r 6)
v, videos [i]     : show author's latest videos
p, playlists [i]  : show author's latest playlists
subscribe [i]     : subscribe to author's channel
like, dislike [i] : like or dislike a video
fav, favorite [i] : favorite a video (e.g.: fav 3)
[keywords]        : search for youtube videos
3-8, 3..8         : same as 3 4 5 6 7 8
8 2 12 4 6 5 1    : play the videos in your order
-argv -argv2=v    : set some arguments (e.g.: -u=google)
e, edit-config    : edit and apply the configuration
load-config       : (re)load the configuration file
/my?[regex]*$/    : play videos matched by a regex (/i)
reset, reload     : restart the application
q, quit, exit     : close the application

Let me know if you have any issues or questions!
