Apr 19

Friday Post: Raspberry Pi Model A and New PCSX_ReARMed Binaries

Hey all,

I got my Raspberry Pi Model A in this week.

Photo Apr 19, 1 53 49 PM Photo Apr 19, 1 54 13 PM Photo Apr 19, 1 54 26 PM Photo Apr 19, 1 54 55 PM


I haven’t had the chance to put the board through it’s paces yet.  I was a little surprised to see they are only shipping with 256MB of RAM, as I figured it would cost more to keep two supplies of RAM chips in stock, but I’m not complaining.

It did overclock to turbo mode, and it ran the same PiMAME SD card from a Model B without any problems which makes me happy.  If you don’t need ethernet on board, and don’t mind using a USB hub for everything, this is the board for you.


I’ve updated the binaries.  The error shouldn’t be appearing anymore.

For those who have used PiMAME, you’ve seen that Playstation emulation is included.  If you don’t use PiMAME, and just want the binaries to run on your own Pi, here they are.

To download & run:

  • Type in console: wget http://sheasilverman.com/rpi/raspbian/pcsx_rearmed_22042013.tgz
  • tar zxfv pcsx_rearmed_22042013.tgz
  • cd pcsx_rearmed
  • ./pcsx
  • Select your game and have fun!



Oct 19

Friday Post: New Pi and Deb Beta Users Wanted!

Happy Friday Everyone!

It’s been a fun week over here.  I was able to order my 512MB Raspberry Pi from Element 14, and it arrived on Wednesday.  Protip: Call Element 14 when they have stock and you will get it really really fast.

Some high quality shots below:

I’ve been working on my Mini Arcade Cabinet project, and I was able to source a mini joystick from P3America.com.  I’m going to be working on the cabinet this weekend, and will be incorporating this into it.

Now for the big news….I have created some .debs for you all to test!  The latest version of Raspbian has been giving me a lot of compiling errors.  What I have gotten done I would appreciate some of you to beta test for me.

The two debs available now are PCSX_ReARMed and Gngeo.  PCSX worked for me when I made the framebuffer larger in config.txt, and gngeo seems to be crashing or hanging randomly.  I’m hoping it works better for you all.  Please provide me with any and all feedback you have regarding these!

Sep 13

Better PlayStation Emulation on the Raspberry Pi

Shoutout to CodenameV for bringing PCSX_ReARMed to my attention!

Tonight I have uploaded the source and binaries for PCSX_ReARMed.  This is an amazing emulator that is running a lot of PSX games at full speed.  I have not been able to get sound to work through HDMI yet, but since my last reformat, I haven’t been able to get sound working on anything, so I’m kinda bummed about that.  I’m hoping some of you have better luck with the audio.

Guide to running PCSX_ReARMed:

  • Download Source and Binaries
  • unzip pcsx_rearmed.zip
  • cd into pcsx_rearmed/
  • ./pcsx
  • Have fun having fond memories replaying some favorites from a couple generations ago 🙂

Let me know if you have any issues.  Enjoy!


Aug 24

Friday Post: Playstation Emulation on the Raspberry Pi!


Hey All!

Happy Friday!  This week brings some really cool things for the Raspberry Pi.  First up, we have a Playstation Emulator that works under X in on the Pi.  It’s called PCSX, it’s OpenGL ES enabled, and while it’s not runnign at full speed, it’s a really cool display of the technology that can be powered by the Pi.  Binaries and Instructions below.

Download PCSX Binaries

To use this you will need CD ISO’s of your backed up PSX games stored on the SD card.

  1. Make sure you in a windowed environment.  If you are just on the command line, use the command startx.
  2. Double click on LXTerminal on the desktop or open it from the application menu at the bottom left.
  3. From the LXTerminal, type cd ~/ to get to your home directory.
  4. wget http://sheasilverman.com/rpi/raspbian/pcsx.zip
  5. unzip pcsx.zip
  6. cd pcsx
  7. chmod +x pcsx
  8. ./pcsx
  9. Use up and down to navigate the menus.
  10. Select Load, then navigate the directory where you saved the CD image
  11. Select your game then press enter
  12. ENJOY!!!

This emulator is far from perfect on the Raspberry Pi.  Some games won’t work, frame rates are wild, and it can be a bit frustrating, but who cares!  It’s a freakin’ Playstation emulation on the Raspberry Pi!

Second cool thing to come out today is an announcement from the Raspberry Pi foundation.  They are now selling licenses to enable MPEG-2 and VC-1 decoding, as well as H.264 encoding (free?) and CEC support!

I’m not sure how the license system works since it is somehow tied to your Pi’s serial number, but you can purchase them at the Raspberry Pi store.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!