May 26

Friday Post: PiPlay Portable funded :D

Hey All,

Thank you, to my backers, and supporters, for helping to fund the PiPlay Portable. I’m so excited to get to make this.

We just got the latest prototype boards in, as well as our stickers from StickerMule.  We were also able to get some polybags for real cheap (they are in beta, so why not!)

Also MegaCon is this weekend!  I finished making my Nintendo Switch Arcade Machine and made it an Ultra SF2 Machine.

Have a great weekend all!


Dec 27

Friday Post: 2013

Hey All,

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year!!!

This year has been amazing to me.  I owe a lot of it to my readers.  Thank you.

I have had new PiMAME stickers made up.  If you would like one, send your address to me using the contact form and I will ship one out!

photo (11)

Thanks everyone!  Here is to a wonderful 2014!!!!

-Shea Silverman

May 24

Friday Post: More Neat Things!

Hey all,

Another long week over here.  I’m glad we have a 3 day weekend, because I could use it.  Going to sleep until Monday I think 🙂  Anyways, onto the fun stuff!


So, I’ve been waiting ages to announce this.  I have been tapped by a publishing company to write a book about a computer that means a lot to me (hint hint).  That’s really all the details I can announce at this time, but I’m very excited and eager to work on this project.

BarCamp Orlando

Last week I talked about BarCamp Orlando.  It was a lot of fun.  There were a lot of great talks given by members of the Orlando tech community.  I met a lot of cool people, and networked with some fellow educators.  It was also nice to see a big turnout of my coworkers and friends from FamiLAB show their support of this conference.

I did a talk about gaming on the Raspberry Pi, and I have to say it went fairly well.  I have grown to really like public speaking, and I am very interested in doing more.  I did about 15 minutes of explanations and demos of the Raspberry Pi’s capabilities, and another 10 minutes of QA from the audience members.


Thermal Imaged Pi

I received an email from Bux (from the forums) the other day.  He acquired a thermal scanner, so he used it to take a picture of the Raspberry Pi.

Raspberry Pi - Thermal Image

Weston  Accelerated X

A very exciting development in the continuing optimization of the Raspberry Pi has been released.  A release of the Weston software that allows accelerated X windows to be displayed on the Raspberry Pi.  This should help with the sluggish feeling that is encountered when using the GUI.  I will be testing this out over the weekend.  The instructions to install it are available here: and below:

echo deb wheezy rpi >> /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-get update
apt-get install weston


I think I have sent out all the stickers.  If anyone hasn’t received theirs, please contact me again!

Have a great weekend everyone!


Apr 30

PiMAME Installer Script

Hey everyone!

PiMAME Installer

I have just released the first version of the PiMAME Installer Script.  This script will allow you to turn any Raspbian install into a PiMAME installation.  It includes the ability to update installations  (and to remove PiMAME if you wish 🙁 … )

You can find it on Github at:

I would appreciate testing and feedback.  Also please feel free to contribute code and send a pull request.

PiMAME Bug Fix

I figured out the issue about the 8MB file size limit in the PiMAME uploader.  If you use the Installer or the Updater you should automatically get the fix.  If you wish to fix it manually follow these instructions:

sudo nano +674 /etc/php5/cgi/php.ini
change post_max_size = 8M to post_max_size = 0
exit and save.

You will now have larger uploads available.

PiMAME Stickers

The first batch of stickers have gone out.  If you haven’t received yours in the next few days, please feel free to email me and I will put one in the mail.

Thanks!  Have a great night.
