Jun 13

Raspberry Pi and MAME Part 2

THIS IS AN OLD POST!  Please go to the latest update here!

Hello everyone from raspberrypi.org!  Thanks for visiting, more updated tutorials and binaries are available by clicking the menu item Raspberry Pi Gaming!

UPDATE: New Raspbian Binaries Available (new binaries above)

So I’ve spent even more time playing around with my MAME compile and my Raspberry Pi.  I have a new set of downloads, once is a set of binaries so you don’t even need to do a make install.

  1. Unzip MAME directory.
  2. chmod 777 /dev/fb0
  3. Put your roms into mame/share/advance/roms/
  4. run mame/bin/advmame
    1. The first time it’s run it will generate a set of folders and files into ~/.advance
  5. edit your ~/.advance/advmame.rc to include the proper display configuration
    1. For HDMI try:
      1. device_video_clock 5 – 50 / 15.62 / 50 ; 5 – 50 / 15.73 / 60
    2. For NTSC TVs try:
      1. device_video_clock 5 – 50 / 15.73 / 60
  6. run mame/bin/advmame <gamename>
    1. cd into mame/bin/ then ./advmame gamename
  7. ENJOY!!!

Download AdvanceMAME Raspberry Pi Binaries

As an aside, I overclocked my Pi to 900Mhz, and Street Fighter 2 is slow, but playable 😀

edit: fixed an error in the path.  Also added a different way to run advmame (the way I run it).  Just cd into the bin directory then ./advmame gamename.