Hey All,
The Raspberry Pi Camera Module is now available for sale from element14!
It’s $25 and it was about $6 for shipping to Florida.
Have fun!
Hey All,
The Raspberry Pi Camera Module is now available for sale from element14!
It’s $25 and it was about $6 for shipping to Florida.
Have fun!
Update: Sorry for the delay, found a small bug and had to fix it. The new version is uploaded now!
Hey all,
A new image of PiMAME is being uploaded. I will update this post with the link once the upload is complete.
This new version will include MAME4All and AdvanceMAME, and SNES support from PiSNES.
Have a great weekend all!
Hey All,
LifeHacker has put up a really cool guide on how to install RetroPie on your Raspberry Pi.
Have a great night!
Hey all,
Sorry for the lateness, I went and saw Iron Man 3 last night and got home late.
Go see Iron Man 3. If you liked the first two movies, you will like the third. I thought it was great.
A fun announcement: The Pi Hut is now selling SD Cards with PiMAME preloaded on it.
If you are using the installer script, make sure you run the update script, as I have pushed a few changes. The PiHut SD card already has the installer script included.
Have a great weekend!
Hey everyone!
PiMAME Installer
I have just released the first version of the PiMAME Installer Script. This script will allow you to turn any Raspbian install into a PiMAME installation. It includes the ability to update installations (and to remove PiMAME if you wish 🙁 … )
You can find it on Github at: https://github.com/ssilverm/pimame_installer
I would appreciate testing and feedback. Also please feel free to contribute code and send a pull request.
PiMAME Bug Fix
I figured out the issue about the 8MB file size limit in the PiMAME uploader. If you use the Installer or the Updater you should automatically get the fix. If you wish to fix it manually follow these instructions:
sudo nano +674 /etc/php5/cgi/php.ini
change post_max_size = 8M to post_max_size = 0
exit and save.
You will now have larger uploads available.
PiMAME Stickers
The first batch of stickers have gone out. If you haven’t received yours in the next few days, please feel free to email me and I will put one in the mail.
Thanks! Have a great night.
Hey All,
First of all I am happy to say that I aced my course this semester. Woo! It’s weird having free time again. Going to be really focusing on PiMAME. Onto the cool stuff…
So, I got my Mausberry Circuits Raspberry Pi Power Switch in the mail this week. I linked to the Kickstarter for this previously and I’m really happy it was funded. The device is tiny, but feels well soldered and sturdy. My only complaint is that the headers cables for the GPIO pins are on the top of the board, as opposed to the bottom, making it harder to put in a project box or in a DeskCade.
The device itself works flawlessly. You install the script, connect the GPIO pins, and then hit the switch. The script tells the Pi to power down, and after it’s completely halted, the power is cut. It also includes a hard reset button in case the Pi is completely frozen / crashed.
It’s $22 with shipping, and you can order one at mausberrycircuits.com
Have an awesome weekend everyone.
Hey all,
I got my Raspberry Pi Model A in this week.
I haven’t had the chance to put the board through it’s paces yet. I was a little surprised to see they are only shipping with 256MB of RAM, as I figured it would cost more to keep two supplies of RAM chips in stock, but I’m not complaining.
It did overclock to turbo mode, and it ran the same PiMAME SD card from a Model B without any problems which makes me happy. If you don’t need ethernet on board, and don’t mind using a USB hub for everything, this is the board for you.
I’ve updated the binaries. The error shouldn’t be appearing anymore.
For those who have used PiMAME, you’ve seen that Playstation emulation is included. If you don’t use PiMAME, and just want the binaries to run on your own Pi, here they are.
To download & run:
Hey all,
Sorry to release another image so quickly but I figure this is a good reason. PCSX_ReARMed is working beautifully on the command line, with sound, and at 99% speed. So I added it to PiMAME. You can now play PlayStation games on your Raspberry Pi.
I’ve tested Gran Turismo 2, Syphon Filter, and Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2. They worked really well.
I also added the fix for the slow menu in AdvMENU.
The next version of PiMAME (0.7) will have an updater so that you don’t need to keep downloading new images.
Enjoy everyone!
Hey All,
The Raspberry Pi Model A board is in stock at Element 14 for US orders.
I ordered one and hope to have some hi res pictures available once it arrives.
Hey All,
I’m happy to announce PiMAME 0.6 Beta 4! You will need a 4GB SD Card for this release. The updates and new items required a bump in space.
This release includes:
Known issues: