Jan 10

Friday Post: Turning 30! Happy Birthday To Me!

Hey All,

So, I’m turning 30 this weekend.  Crazy.  I’ve decided to treat myself by building an awesome budget gaming PC.  I haven’t built a PC since the P4 days.


All in all I spent about $600 on this machine.  I’m getting 200FPS in Team Fortress 2, and I’m currently waiting for some new games to download.  Happy Birthday to Me!

If anybody is on Steam, I made a PiMAME group.  Let’s get some TF2 games going 🙂



In other news, since the new menu system is taking longer than expected, I’m going to do one more 0.7 PiMAME release.  It’s going to be upgrading to the new Raspbian version, and including some much needed functions to the console menu (joystick support, and favorites).

Look for that update this week!


Jan 03

Friday Post: Hello 2014

Hello All,

Happy 2014!

Today I found out my blog post about dogecoin was featured on Adafruit 🙂  I hope a bunch of readers got some good info from that.

Over the holiday break my friend Zach and I have been working on the PiMAME Menu system.  We got a lot done, and even though it’s very beta, if anyone wants to try it out and contribute some code, it is all on GitHub.

Video of it in action:

that clanging noise was the joystick falling off my desk.  It’s ok though!

Have a great weekend!


Dec 27

Friday Post: 2013

Hey All,

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year!!!

This year has been amazing to me.  I owe a lot of it to my readers.  Thank you.

I have had new PiMAME stickers made up.  If you would like one, send your address to me using the contact form and I will ship one out!

photo (11)

Thanks everyone!  Here is to a wonderful 2014!!!!

-Shea Silverman

Dec 20

Friday Post: Bitcoin, Litecoin…Dogecoin, oh my! A tutorial on how to use Dogecoin

Reliable Dogecoin Pool:  https://pool.chunky.ms/doge/

Hey All,

A bunch of my coworkers and I have been looking into crypto currencies for fun.  Between figuring out who can get the most hashes per second, watching the markets, and just looking through the source code of the clients, it’s been fun looking at it during out downtime.

One of the hardest things to get past is all the terminology and software that you need to setup in order to actually USE a crypto currency.  This post is an attempt to make a tutorial on how to use Dogecoin, which is a fork of the Litecoin project, itself a fork of the bitcoin project.


  • Bitcoin – The “original” crypto currency.  Uses SHA256 algorithm.  Hard to mine unless using specialized hardware
  • Litecoin – A new crypto currency that uses the scrypt algorithm.  Able to mine using cpus and videocards.
  • Dogecoin – Such coin! Much wow!  An alt coin that is a fork of litecoin and based on the shibu inu doge meme.  A fun crypto currency, easy to mine and learn with.
  • SHA256 – The algorithm used by bitcoin.  CPUs and GPU based hashing have been replaced by specialized hardware dedicated to this algorithm.
  • scrypt – the algorithm used by altcoins (litecoin, dogecoin).  Scrypt is designed to be mined only with cpus and gpus.  Dedicated hardware is said to be “impossible” due to the way it’s designed.
  • wallet – a program or website that has unique address and is connected to the blockchain.
  • minerd – a program used to cpu mine.
  • cgminer – a program used to gpu mine with ATI cards (previous versions only) or dedicated hardware (for bitcoin).
  • cudaminer – A program to gpu mine with nVidia cards.
  • pool – a group of individuals all mining together to pool together resources and share in the mined coins.
  • block chain – a list of all transactions.  every wallet syncs up to each other and keeps a log of all transactions.  when you send coins to an address, every wallet syncs up, and the wallet with the correct address receives the coins.  depending on the coin, it could take minutes to days to sync up 100%.
  • workers – a name associated with your account that you use to mine with.  You make a worker for each computer you will be mining with.  for example, my username is shea.  I have 2 workers, one for each computer.  worker one is named red, worker two is named green.

Getting Started

You will want to download the dogecoin wallet software at dogecoin.com.  Unzip the file and then run dogecoin-qt.  You will see this window when it loads:

Screen Shot 2013-12-19 at 10.28.09 PM

You will have zero dogecoins when you start.  And you will not by synced to the blockchain.  It will probably take a few hours before the checkmark on the right hand side appears.  You can hover over it to see how much syncing you have left.

You don’t need to be synced to mine though or to generate addresses to send and receive coins from.

Click on Much Receive to find your current wallet address.

Screen Shot 2013-12-19 at 10.28.24 PM

Click on New Address, and give it a label.

Screen Shot 2013-12-19 at 10.28.59 PM

You will then get a newly generated address to receive coins with.

Screen Shot 2013-12-19 at 10.29.21 PM

Joining a Pool

You are going to want to join a pool.  You will be pooling your resources with a group of others to share the difficulty in mining, and you will receive an amount of coins proportionate to the mining power you put in.  Most pool websites look the same, since the run the same open source software.  Find one you like with a fast server and a quick loading website.  It may take you two or three tries before you find a good pool.

Screen Shot 2013-12-19 at 10.30.54 PM

Look for the Signup link on the left, and then fill out the form.

Screen Shot 2013-12-19 at 10.31.24 PM

When you finish registering and  then login, you will see a dashboard like below.  Your hashrate should be at 0, because you haven’t started mining yet.  Click on the My Workers link.

Screen Shot 2013-12-19 at 10.32.40 PM

This is where you will add workers.  You generally want one worker per machine or program that is mining.  Once you fill out the form with a worker name and worker password, it should appear on the page.

Screen Shot 2013-12-19 at 10.33.32 PM

Now click on the Getting Started link to get the mining address for your pool.

Screen Shot 2013-12-19 at 10.33.46 PM


I’m only going to be going over CPU mining, because I don’t have a powerful video card, but the process is the same.

I will be using minerd, a part of pooler’s mining suite.  You can download it at the links in the Getting Started section of the pool website.

Once you have downloaded the file, extract it to a directory on your computer.  You will want to open a terminal window or a command prompt (if using Windows).  Change into the directory will you extracted the mining software, and then enter in the following command:

Screen Shot 2013-12-19 at 10.35.57 PM


./minerd –url stratum+tcp://pool.chunky.ms:3333 –userpass username.worker:workerpass

changing the stratum+tcp address to be the one offered by your pool, and your username and worker name+password.

If everything goes according to plan, you should now be mining and contributing to your pool.  You will see output like this if it is working:

Screen Shot 2013-12-19 at 10.36.25 PM

Cashing out to your wallet

After a while, you should see dogecoins in your pool account.  You will want to cash those out and send them to your wallet.  Go back to the pool website, click on My Account, and you will want to put in your wallet address (you may want to make a new address for each pool) into the form.

Screen Shot 2013-12-19 at 10.35.14 PM

When you are ready, click on the Cash Out button.  You should receive your coins in a few minutes.


I think that is all there is for now.  This should get you started.  Enjoy, and please let me know if you have any questions.


If you would like to donate any coins, my addresses are as follows:

  • Bitcoin: 1HnMBN2AdNevjPmvGd8exBmvXvKPiiVMrT
  • Litecoin: LZZC7EUkXbFwgwQEPuTmwmMMVWHwVtdtRF
  • Dogecoin: DAx7FvMQGRoDaNsb622Sv6RXvjWyZSkAGw




Dec 13

Friday Post: Speechless

Hey All,

Happy Friday!!  This week marks the end of the semester.  Finished my finals and got an A!  Pushed a lot of work code to our production servers, and waiting for them to turned on on Sunday.  Months of hard work finally coming online.  It’s been an exciting week.  Been playing around with joysticks and working on some issues.

I was also featured on the front page of the Raspberry Pi official site!

Cool things on the way! Have a great weekend.

Dec 06

Friday Post: Moved In?

Hey All,

So yeah, I thought I was all done since we closed on our house.  I totally forgot how tough it is to move.  We are now moved into our home.  Waiting for the ISP to come and actually give me an internet connection.  It’s been a bit slow moving on things while we wait for all the utilities.  Anyways, here is a picture of the project I’m working on in my “game room”:



There’s a lot of cool PiMAME stuff happening in the forums.  Some cool builds and software being developed by other people.  Go check it out!

I’m going to try and catch up on my sleep, I’m so physically exhausted from house buying and moving!  Happy Holidays!


Nov 29

Friday Post: Joystick debugging

Hey All,

This has been a fun week.  K and I have finished painting the house, we’ve been slowly bringing things in.  All the fun joys of moving to a new place 🙂

This week I’ve been making progress with Joystick support in PiMAME.  I’m hoping for 0.8 to have full joystick support implemented and an easy to use system to configure it.

Remember Cyber Monday deals this coming monday!  SparkFun and Adafruit are having some great sales.


Nov 22

Friday Post: IAAPA 2013, Homeownership, and Happenings

Hey All!

Happy Friday!  K and I are officially homeowners!!!  WOOOO!!!  This long stressful process took way too much time, and too much energy.  I don’t believe how wiped I am just from signing paperwork for a couple hours.  This is a huge weight off my shoulders, and a big time sink now gone.



IAAPA 2013

For the past few years I have been attending IAAPA, which is the big amusement part and arcade entertainment expo in Orlando.  It’s really a remarkable event, and this years was no different.  Some of the highlights was a Korean pavilion showing off a ton of new Korean companies and the games / motion simulators coming out of there.  Stern Pinball was showing off the new Star Trek pinball game.  It was a lot of fun.  The best part of the day was the Namco Bandai booth.  They had a bunch of new games, but the exciting ones were a new Mario Kart arcade racing game, and MachStorm, an AceCombat / Afterburner inspired game with an immersive cockpit.  I will be posting pictures in another post.  One of the more apparent things this year was much less piracy, stolen cabinet designs, and game clones.  Previous shows there were blatant ripoffs and large displays that almost seemed to encourage it.  This year, not so much.


The holidays are approaching, and I hope everyone who reads this has a good one.  I am going to have time off work, which will be spent working on PiMAME.  I’m hoping to have a January release of the new 0.8 version, and I welcome everyone to contribute to the github repos.


Kano computing is raising a kickstarter for a very innovative Raspberry Pi kit, and they have already reached the 500k mark.  These guys are really nice and I have high hopes for them.


HWHardSoft Pi Cabinet

HWHardSoft has been working on a cool Pi case, and his preorder is now available.  http://www.hwhardsoft.de/english/projects/raspberry-pi-mini-cab/

Have a great weekend!


Nov 15

Friday Post: More PiMAME Menu stuff.

Hey all,

Happy Friday!

I am beyond stressed.  I think I’m buying a house next friday.  If all goes according to plan.  Knock on wood, everything will go right.

Anyways,  I have put up some new github repos for PiMAME.  It’s regarding PiMAME 0.8, and it’s for the new web frontend and the pimame menu / launcher.  They are no where near ready for use, but if you would like to help with the programming, feel free to fork the repo and send a pull request.


Have a good weekend everyone!
