Mar 14

Friday Post: Book Stats

Hey All,

Happy Friday!  I got an email this morning from Packt giving me the stats for my book sales from October to December of 2013.  I’m happy to report that I have sold over 200 copies.  Thank you all so much!

This weekend I will be doing a last minute presentation of PiMAME with FamiLAB at the Orlando Science Center.  I will then be preparing for PyCon in Montreal, where I will be doing a poster session on how PiMAME was built in Python.  I will also be attending Instructurecon in Utah and speaking about LTIs and how we program and implement them at UCF.   It’s going to be a fun two months of traveling 🙂

I have gotten some great feedback on PiMAME 0.8, and I am going to be working on some fixes this weekend (these are my two low hanging fruit goals to complete):

  • Tankstick / Numpad support
  • Configurable Buttons through config.yaml

Have a good weekend all!

Mar 07

Friday Post: PiMAME 0.8 Update and some stats!

Hey All!

First of all, HAPPY FRIDAY!  Spring break is over for us at UCF, which means that campus won’t be dead for us full time employees and the food court will finally be reopened.  Little things in life…

It’s been a week since PiMAME 0.8 Beta 1 has been released and there has been great feedback.

Updating PiMAME

A small update is available.  All you need to do is go to the command line and run:

wget -O - | bash

This update includes Commodore 64 support and fixed NES emulation.

PiMAME Stats

In one week, PiMAME 0.8 has been downloaded from SourceForge over 400 times.  My server (which hosts a mirror copy) has transferred 84GB in 5 days.  My usual monthly bandwidth is 30-40GB.

I’m excited about this release.  There are bugs, but they are getting fixed, and this version has a great new foundation to grow on.  Thank you all for the feedback, suggestions, complaints, issues, and support!


Feb 28

Friday Post: PiMAME 0.8 coming this weekend!

Update 3: PiMAME 0.8 Beta 1 now uploaded! Download Here!

Update 2: Apparently 4 other people have reported issues this weekend with SourceForge and uploaded files not appearing.  I’m starting a new upload to a different host now.

Update: PiMAME 0.8 has been uploaded, but I’m still waiting for SourceForge to finish mirroring it before they turn on the download link. 🙁


Hey All!

Very happy to announce that PiMAME 0.8 Beta is going to be released this weekend.  I’m building the SD card image now and will be uploading it.

I’m very happy with this release.  I know it still has some bugs and issues to work out, but I’m confident that this will be the best evolution of PiMAME yet.

On another note, the presentation I gave at the Information Fluency conference went well.  I have a lot of different colleges and universities interested in the applications I developed for UCF.  Hopefully I can open source them soon.

I’ve started to receive the parts for my SmartRap 3D Printer build.  This is the first time I’m building something this complex without any instructions, so hopefully it all goes well.

Have a good weekend, and I’ll update this post with the image file when it’s finished uploading.


Feb 21

Friday Post: Gear

Hey all,

Wooo it’s Friday! Next week I’m speaking at UCF’s Information Fluency conference.  I’m very excited.  Presenting an application I wrote that helps with Online Learning.

Time to get to work on PiMAME.  Making great progress.  Can’t wait to release it 😀  One of the issues I ran into was that I didn’t realize git sub-modules don’t update to the latest code, they stay at the commit they were committed in.  Anyone who has been using the installer for 0.8 has been running on older code, which explains why the bug fixes weren’t being seen.  It was a silly mistake on my part and will be fixed soon.


Misumi is offering a free $150 credit for new customers placing an order via credit card.  In the reddit thread advertising this promotion, a few people have put together a build list with part numbers for making your own 3D Printer.  This will greatly decrease the price of building your own RepRap.  I’m going to try and build a Smartrap Mini.


I got an email today about a new hardware company that’s making items for the Raspberry Pi.  They are called UUGear, and they are making some pretty good looking sensors and add-ons.  I haven’t yet had a chance to test their products, but the online store should be opening soon.



I was playing the Titanfall beta over the weekend, and I can’t remember ever being this excited over a game.  Mechs, freerunning, jet packs!  It’s like my inner 12 year old was asked to make a video game and he delivered.  Sorry for the terrible quality video.  Here is a couple minutes of my Titanfall gameplay:

Have a good weekend all!


Feb 14

Friday Post: Dogecoin USB Miner

Hey All,

This is the first Valentine’s day I am celebrating with K as husband and wife.  I am very lucky to have her, and knowing that she is reading this, I just want to say that you are my person and I love you very much!

PiMAME is coming together.  I am psyched to have a full weekend to just spend working on it.

The era of cpu/gpu mining scrypt based alt coins may be ending soon.  The first scrypt capable ASICs are hitting the market.  I recently purchased the DualMiner USB BTC/LTC miner.  Even though it says litecoin, it can mine any scrypt coin, which is what Dogecoin is based on.

2 - WiHvu3a 5 - jscGo4E

It was $113 shipped from California, and performs 70khs at around 3 watts.  My r9 270 produced 350khs at ~150 watts and cost $200, and my Core i5 Haswell produced 79khs, cost $199, and uses ~100 watts.

I’m excited and nervous about the next generation of ASIC miners.

Have a good weekend all!


Feb 07

Friday Post: TGIF

Hey All,

Thank goodness it’s Friday.  I’ve been hit by the Flu, and it has knocked me on my butt.  I haven’t been able to do anything all week.  I’m only now catching up on emails and some work.

If I haven’t responded on the forums or to an email, don’t think im ignoring you, I just haven’t been able too.

Luckily I’m feeling better, going to continue resting during the weekend, get some energy up, and continue on PiMAME.  I’m loving the feedback.  Thank you to everyone who has been testing it.


Jan 31

Friday Post: PiMAME 0.8 Preview Release (only for the brave)

Hey All!

Happy Friday!  It has been a long week.  The weather in Florida right now is crazy.  One day it’s 80 degrees, the next day its 50, then 70, then 40.  I wish it would make up its mind!  The bad part about it is everyone is getting sick.  Anyways…

PiMAME 0.8…
… preview release only for the brave edition

PiMAME 0.8 is almost done.  We have a few more bugs to fix, and some more features to test, but the basics are there.

I have an installer available for the brave to try.  It will make a new pimame folder in your home directory, so I recommend using a fresh install of Raspbian.

From the home directory in your command line, enter in the following command:

wget -O - | bash

When that has finished running, reboot your Pi.  It should automatically boot up into the new launcher, and a web interface should be available at your Pi’s IP address.

If you decide to test this, please send me any and all feedback!  It is much appreciated!

This has been a huge labor of love, and I couldn’t have done it without some of the contributors to the codebase:

  • Zach –
  • Connor –
  • Scotty –

Thanks everyone!  Have a great weekend!


Jan 10

Friday Post: Turning 30! Happy Birthday To Me!

Hey All,

So, I’m turning 30 this weekend.  Crazy.  I’ve decided to treat myself by building an awesome budget gaming PC.  I haven’t built a PC since the P4 days.


All in all I spent about $600 on this machine.  I’m getting 200FPS in Team Fortress 2, and I’m currently waiting for some new games to download.  Happy Birthday to Me!

If anybody is on Steam, I made a PiMAME group.  Let’s get some TF2 games going 🙂


In other news, since the new menu system is taking longer than expected, I’m going to do one more 0.7 PiMAME release.  It’s going to be upgrading to the new Raspbian version, and including some much needed functions to the console menu (joystick support, and favorites).

Look for that update this week!


Dec 27

Friday Post: 2013

Hey All,

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year!!!

This year has been amazing to me.  I owe a lot of it to my readers.  Thank you.

I have had new PiMAME stickers made up.  If you would like one, send your address to me using the contact form and I will ship one out!

photo (11)

Thanks everyone!  Here is to a wonderful 2014!!!!

-Shea Silverman

Dec 20

Friday Post: Bitcoin, Litecoin…Dogecoin, oh my! A tutorial on how to use Dogecoin

Reliable Dogecoin Pool:

Hey All,

A bunch of my coworkers and I have been looking into crypto currencies for fun.  Between figuring out who can get the most hashes per second, watching the markets, and just looking through the source code of the clients, it’s been fun looking at it during out downtime.

One of the hardest things to get past is all the terminology and software that you need to setup in order to actually USE a crypto currency.  This post is an attempt to make a tutorial on how to use Dogecoin, which is a fork of the Litecoin project, itself a fork of the bitcoin project.


  • Bitcoin – The “original” crypto currency.  Uses SHA256 algorithm.  Hard to mine unless using specialized hardware
  • Litecoin – A new crypto currency that uses the scrypt algorithm.  Able to mine using cpus and videocards.
  • Dogecoin – Such coin! Much wow!  An alt coin that is a fork of litecoin and based on the shibu inu doge meme.  A fun crypto currency, easy to mine and learn with.
  • SHA256 – The algorithm used by bitcoin.  CPUs and GPU based hashing have been replaced by specialized hardware dedicated to this algorithm.
  • scrypt – the algorithm used by altcoins (litecoin, dogecoin).  Scrypt is designed to be mined only with cpus and gpus.  Dedicated hardware is said to be “impossible” due to the way it’s designed.
  • wallet – a program or website that has unique address and is connected to the blockchain.
  • minerd – a program used to cpu mine.
  • cgminer – a program used to gpu mine with ATI cards (previous versions only) or dedicated hardware (for bitcoin).
  • cudaminer – A program to gpu mine with nVidia cards.
  • pool – a group of individuals all mining together to pool together resources and share in the mined coins.
  • block chain – a list of all transactions.  every wallet syncs up to each other and keeps a log of all transactions.  when you send coins to an address, every wallet syncs up, and the wallet with the correct address receives the coins.  depending on the coin, it could take minutes to days to sync up 100%.
  • workers – a name associated with your account that you use to mine with.  You make a worker for each computer you will be mining with.  for example, my username is shea.  I have 2 workers, one for each computer.  worker one is named red, worker two is named green.

Getting Started

You will want to download the dogecoin wallet software at  Unzip the file and then run dogecoin-qt.  You will see this window when it loads:

Screen Shot 2013-12-19 at 10.28.09 PM

You will have zero dogecoins when you start.  And you will not by synced to the blockchain.  It will probably take a few hours before the checkmark on the right hand side appears.  You can hover over it to see how much syncing you have left.

You don’t need to be synced to mine though or to generate addresses to send and receive coins from.

Click on Much Receive to find your current wallet address.

Screen Shot 2013-12-19 at 10.28.24 PM

Click on New Address, and give it a label.

Screen Shot 2013-12-19 at 10.28.59 PM

You will then get a newly generated address to receive coins with.

Screen Shot 2013-12-19 at 10.29.21 PM

Joining a Pool

You are going to want to join a pool.  You will be pooling your resources with a group of others to share the difficulty in mining, and you will receive an amount of coins proportionate to the mining power you put in.  Most pool websites look the same, since the run the same open source software.  Find one you like with a fast server and a quick loading website.  It may take you two or three tries before you find a good pool.

Screen Shot 2013-12-19 at 10.30.54 PM

Look for the Signup link on the left, and then fill out the form.

Screen Shot 2013-12-19 at 10.31.24 PM

When you finish registering and  then login, you will see a dashboard like below.  Your hashrate should be at 0, because you haven’t started mining yet.  Click on the My Workers link.

Screen Shot 2013-12-19 at 10.32.40 PM

This is where you will add workers.  You generally want one worker per machine or program that is mining.  Once you fill out the form with a worker name and worker password, it should appear on the page.

Screen Shot 2013-12-19 at 10.33.32 PM

Now click on the Getting Started link to get the mining address for your pool.

Screen Shot 2013-12-19 at 10.33.46 PM


I’m only going to be going over CPU mining, because I don’t have a powerful video card, but the process is the same.

I will be using minerd, a part of pooler’s mining suite.  You can download it at the links in the Getting Started section of the pool website.

Once you have downloaded the file, extract it to a directory on your computer.  You will want to open a terminal window or a command prompt (if using Windows).  Change into the directory will you extracted the mining software, and then enter in the following command:

Screen Shot 2013-12-19 at 10.35.57 PM


./minerd –url stratum+tcp:// –userpass username.worker:workerpass

changing the stratum+tcp address to be the one offered by your pool, and your username and worker name+password.

If everything goes according to plan, you should now be mining and contributing to your pool.  You will see output like this if it is working:

Screen Shot 2013-12-19 at 10.36.25 PM

Cashing out to your wallet

After a while, you should see dogecoins in your pool account.  You will want to cash those out and send them to your wallet.  Go back to the pool website, click on My Account, and you will want to put in your wallet address (you may want to make a new address for each pool) into the form.

Screen Shot 2013-12-19 at 10.35.14 PM

When you are ready, click on the Cash Out button.  You should receive your coins in a few minutes.


I think that is all there is for now.  This should get you started.  Enjoy, and please let me know if you have any questions.


If you would like to donate any coins, my addresses are as follows:

  • Bitcoin: 1HnMBN2AdNevjPmvGd8exBmvXvKPiiVMrT
  • Litecoin: LZZC7EUkXbFwgwQEPuTmwmMMVWHwVtdtRF
  • Dogecoin: DAx7FvMQGRoDaNsb622Sv6RXvjWyZSkAGw